Make it a habit by stacking it before or after something you do every day. Maintain regular journal entries by journaling at the same time every day. Manifestation journal tips Make it a daily ritual What changes do I see in this area of my life?.What have I achieved since I set this goal?.Manifestation prompts to measure your progress: This is where a coach can help you to measure your progress and keep you on track. Fitness goals are easily measured with personal best times but relationship goals may require more nuanced milestones. This part of the process involves returning to each goal and evaluating your progress towards achieving it as well as questioning whether it still serves your overall vision.įind different methods to track your progress towards each goal as different goals will require different metrics. This step is done after a set period of time and is best repeated every 6 months. The final step involves a review of your visions and an evaluation of your progress. What kinds of actions and choices will bring this goal into my life?.What habits and routines could I develop to progress towards this goal?.What do I need to stop doing in order to achieve this objective?.

What do I need to repeatedly do in order to achieve this objective?.Manifestation prompts to design a strategy: As you write out your strategy allow each point to become ingrained in your mind and write only what you can truly commit to doing. This section can be as detailed as you like or it can be as simple as setting an intention. It is about considering the choices, habits and processes that will help you to achieve your goals. Designing a strategy is about highlighting the behavioral changes necessary to bring your goal into reality. Now that you know what you want and why you want it, it is time to figure out how you will get there. What are my motivations behind this vision?.What value would this bring into my life?.Manifestation prompts to define your purpose: Having a strong ‘why’ will inevitably drive you to make the changes you need to materialize your goals. Simon Sinek argues that clearly establishing why you want something taps into the part of the brain that influences behavior. There will be days that you feel unmotivated to work towards your goals and having a clear purpose for why you set each objective will fuel you to move forward. This purpose will be your ‘north star’ as you work to bring it into your life. What do I need to repeatedly feel in order to bring this into my life?įor each vision, there must be a powerful reason for why you want it.What emotions would I feel when I achieve this?.What sensations do I feel in my body and where do I feel them?.How would it feel to live my highest version of this reality?.Manifestation prompts to define a vision: If you are closed off and focused on the emotions of lack (such as fear, insecurity and longing) you cannot be open to receive what you want to manifest. Abraham Hicks talks about the importance of being in the vibrational state of receiving in order to attract what you want. When you can feel gratitude for what you want before you have it, you naturally attract it into your life. The greatest emotion you can cultivate to manifest your goals is gratitude. When you act as if you already have achieved your goals, your reality will shift to match your emotional state. Do not wait until you achieve everything on your list to feel happiness and satisfaction. How does it feel to have achieved this goal? Begin to cultivate the emotions associated with this reality. Sit with each vision and imagine it already exists in your life. The next step is to align your emotional state with each of your visions. What do I want this area to look like in three years?.

Write out what you want to achieve, experience and receive in this category of life. Whatever area you chose to focus on, consider what your ideal reality would be. The Wheel of Life is an excellent exercise to identify which areas of your life you want to improve. This could be in any of the following areas: Take a look at your current reality and identify what areas you would like to improve, invest in and take to the level. The first step of bringing your goals into reality is to get very clear on what you want. The time and energy it takes to write with a pen will have a deeper impact on your subconscious mind and will make the process much more effective. It is recommended to avoid digital versions. Starting a manifestation journal is very straightforward.